Raddish Mooli cures stone

खाली पेट मूली का रस पीने से किड्नी स्टोन कुछ घंटों के भीतर हानिरहित कीचड़ में बदल जाता है और मूत्र के रास्ते निकल जाता है
विधि :
1. बाज़ार से 1 किलो ताजी मूली खरीद लाएँ और उसे अच्छी तरह धोकर जूसर मे डाल कर  जूस बना लें  ।
2. हाथ से लुगदी निचोड़ एक बड़े गिलास में निकल लें ।
3. स्वाद के लिए नींबू का रस डाल सकते हैं  ।

4. अब इसे खाली पेट पर पी लो ।
5. इसके बाद १ घंटे तक कुछ भी ना खाएँ 

Daikon, also known by many other names depending on context, is a mild-flavored winter radish usually characterized by fast-growing leaves and a long white napiform root. Wikipedia
Nutrition Facts
Amount Per 100 grams
Calories 18 % Daily Value*
Total Fat 0.1 g 0%
Sodium 21 mg 0%
Potassium 227 mg 6%
Total Carbohydrate 4.1 g 1%
Dietary fiber 1.6 g 6%
Sugar 2.5 g
Protein 0.6 g 1%
Vitamin C 36%
Calcium 2%
Iron 2%
Vitamin D 0%
Magnesium 4%

My experiences: Hi Group I'm a former stone maker, just a regular guy. I'v made dozens of stones, litho along with crazy pain. A friend I taught with in India gave me the gift of a lifetime. The CURE for stones. I have no interest other than to share. I'm sure its worth millions but free to you. Simply drink the juice of the Asian Mooli radish on an empty stomach(aka Daccan radish, Dakon radish etc). Nothing safer and surer. No stones to big or too many. It turns them to harmless sludge within hours.

Recipe is simple. Grind 1 kg. of radish or use a juicer. Squeeze the pulp by hand if no juicer into a large water glass. The odor and taste is not pleasant to me so I add tomato juice and a little horse radish and lemon juice. Drink it on an empty stomach and be prepared for a shock at x ray time. Your doctor will refuse to believe it, trust me. If the stone is over 10mm you may want to hit it twice. If your now scheduled for litho or x ray it's a great time to try it. They always xray before doing the litho. I've had friends whose lithos were canceled because it just 'went away'. Let me know how it goes for you. It's truly the most dramatic treatment I've ever seen in any kind of medical practice or folk cure.